MS Data Base Connection with R
Connecting and importing data from Microsoft Access Data Bases with R
Microsoft Access Data Bases may contain several tables of interest. Using the odbc
and DBI
packages we are able to import all desired tables to the R environment with just a few steps.
Connecting to multiple mdb files from R
First, let´s list all the files we want to work with:
# Full file path to Access DB
files_path <- list.files("./mdb", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
Opening a ‘mdb’ or ‘accdb’ file creates a temporary ‘Microsoft Access Record-Locking Information (laccdb)’ file in the same folder. So, before moving on, you must close all ‘laccdb’ files to allow a remote connection from R.
# Install and load packages
library("odbc", quietly = FALSE) # ODBC for MS Access files
library("DBI", quietly = FALSE) # read tables from connections
# Pass MS Access file path to connection string in loop
connections <- as.list(files_path)
for (i in seq(files_path)) {
connections[[i]] <- dbConnect(drv = odbc(),
.connection_string = paste0("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=",
files_path[i], ";"))
The .connection_string
parameter indicates both ‘mdb’ and ‘accdb’ extensions.
We should retrieve connections names. Later on, we might use it to identify the tables.
# Retrieve connections names
conn_ls <- list()
for (i in seq(connections)) {
conn_ls[i] <- connections[i][[1]]@info$dbname
If we wish to select some of the tables from multiple data sets, we can list the names in the following way.
# List tables
all_tables <- lapply(connections, dbListTables)
Let´s create a vector of names to subset from the list.
slct_tables <- c("Table 1", "Table 2", "Table 3")
Now, we can read the selected tables to a list, assigning names based on connections and original tables names. We access each connection, and check for the existence of any of the tables names using dbExistsTable()
. If the table exists in that connection the function uses assign()
to determine the name and valueof the table. It uses the conn_ls
object created before, so that we can identify from which MSdb it came from. The last lines simply print a note so that we can identify the function progress.
# Read tables to list
for (i in seq(connections)) {
for (j in seq(slct_tables)) {
if(dbExistsTable(connections[[i]], slct_tables[j]) == FALSE) next
assign(x = paste0(slct_tables[j], "_", conn_ls[[i]]),
value = dbReadTable(connections[[i]], slct_tables[j]))
print(paste0(" extraction for ", "'", slct_tables[j], "'", " table",
" in connection nº ", i))
Before moving on your code, close the connections, which will remove record locking (laccdb) files.
# Disconnect from databases
lapply(connections, dbDisconnect)